Next Steps

Fall 2021 – Winter 2023


Community Engagement

Fall 2021 – Summer 2022

  • Explain claim nature and negotiation process
  • Receive oral history if offered
  • Receive views on what to do with money at the collective level, if money received, and provide information about possible options, along with the risks and benefits

Negotiation Process

Fall 2021 – Summer 2022

  • Land valuation by expert appraiser reports
  • Discussion and negotiation of claim value
  • Elsipogtog and Canada try to agree on a settlement involving compensation (money and land back)


If the negotiation team reaches agreement, Chief and Council consider an agreement in principle and vote on whether to accept.


Fall 2022 – Winter 2023

The agreement in principle must be approved by community referendum.

Only the community can agree to the terms of a settlement. The lands illegally taken in 1824 were reserve lands set apart for the whole community, in common. A settlement of the claim is therefore also for the community, in common.


Each and every Band member has a right to benefits from the settlement as a part of the collective.

Contact Us

If you would like to see the data in person we are currently setup inside the Elsipogtog School, in Elsipogtog First Nation, New Brunswick. On location, we have historical timelines, negotiation process timelines, supporting historic letters and documents clearly outlined and open to the public.

Egt magemigmino | Our Land

Claims Center

356 Big Cove Rd – inside Elsipogtog School
Elsipogtog First Nation, NB E4W 2S6

Have a Question?

We're happy to answer any questions you may have.